Reverb SPIFF

Is a Sales / SPIFF management platform that enables you to supercharge in-store sales across your retail sales network
Directly incentivize and reward back of counter sales people to sell more of your products to the right customers, every time they step onto the sales floor 


  • Drive more sales through your existing retail network
  • Incentivize new retail associates to recommend your products
  • Streamline back-office workflow & reward fulfillment
  • Keep your sales network engaged with mobile-friendly emails and text
  • Gain powerful insights into advocate-driven sales performance

You’ve been under-utilizing your best sales people

They already love you. Isn’t it time that you show the love back?

“ 65% of new business comes from referrals”

– The New York Times

“ Customers are 4 times more likely to buy when referred by a friend”

– Nielson

SPIFF – Your Way

Completely customizable, automated, sales programs 100% aligned with your sales goals

Some of our integrations include:

Design any SPIFF program in minutes

Enable a mobile-friendly portal for sales people to register for your program, register sales, and track their own performance

Easily validate sales by requiring serial number validation, receipt upload, or other proof of sale criteria

Incentivize retail sales with any kind of points, schwag or dollar rewards

Directly communicate with all registered sales advocates via text or email

Automate SPIFF redemptions via a rule-based approval system

We will put your growth into overdrive

Our systems unleash the passion of the people who already love your products, and incentivize them to help you build the brand one relationship at a time in a way you could never do using traditional marketing channels. Merge the best of Internet technology, with old-fashioned word of mouth brand building to create a grassroots sales marketing machine that guarantees you profits on every sale, 24/7, worldwide.

Fully Automatible
Detailed Reporting
Visible Results

Make us your (not so) secret weapon

We help GROW the best brands in the world. We combine world-class technology with world-class people to be your world-class partner. We look forward to showing you why we’re the best.
