Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is intended to regulate all aspects relating to the process of collecting and managing data of our users regarding the services offered by Revenue ReVerb. This privacy policy complies with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679

Last modified: October 25, 2018


Revenue ReVerb, Inc (hereinafter, “ Revenue ReVerb” or the “Company”) is the company behind this website, as well as the responsible party processing any personal data you share with us.

Revenue ReVerb, Inc.

Address: 9811 W. Charleston Blvd, Suite #2-776, Las Vegas, NV 89117

Contact email address:


Personal Data refers to any information or data that may identify the subject directly (i.e. your name or surname) or indirectly (i.e. your national identity document or DNI). Personal Data includes information such as email address/postal address/mobile phone number, usernames, profile images, personal preferences, user-generated content, and financial information, among others. It may also include unique numerical identifiers such as the IP address of your computer or the MAC address of your mobile phone, as well as the information we obtain through cookies.

This Policy covers all personal data collected and used by Revenue ReVerb.


Remember that before you start using any of our services or features, you should read this Policy, as well as Revenue ReVerb’s Terms of Use for the specific section on the corresponding service or feature, if any. This section will contain details as to whether there are any specific conditions for its use, or if specific processing of your Personal Data is required. Failure to provide certain information indicated as mandatory may result in it not being possible to manage your registration as a user or the use of certain features or services available through

What data do we collect from you?

We may collect or receive your data directly or indirectly through:

  1. Our website and contact forms: the user may find the option to write to Revenue ReVerb to ask for additional information regarding the services offered or any other information that might be needed.
  2. The newsletter: the user can subscribe to our Newsletter if he/she so wishes, so we would collect his/her email address to proceed to send news related to the services and/or products offered by Revenue ReVerb, the news of our blog and information that is considered relevant to the user.
  3. The blog at blog.Revenue Revenue ReVerb has a blog in which articles and news about topics of interest are published. In addition, the user may have the possibility to subscribe to the blog, providing his/her email to receive all the news of it.
  4. By selecting “request demo” of the services offered: the user may have the possibility to request a demo of the services offered by Revenue ReVerb. To do so, the user, by selecting this option, must provide name and surname, email, company to be able, if necessary, to complete the registration process at the end of the demo requested and become a client.
  5. Our corporate email including info@RevenueReVerb.commarketing@Revenue ReVerb.comprivacy@Revenue and careers@Revenue the user can write us and / or request information regarding the services provided by Revenue ReVerb or any other information of interest about the company, its newsletter or blog.
  6. Social networks: Revenue ReVerb has a corporate profile on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube and Instagram, where we publish news about our company, about the services we offer or any other topics of interest. Revenue ReVerb is “Responsible for the processing of the user’s data” on this social networks. By joining our corporate profile as a follower or giving a “like” to it or to any of its contents, will mean the user’s acceptance of this privacy policy.
  7. Careers page in our website and social networks: the user interested in working at Revenue ReVerb will be able to send his/her resume, applying to the vacancies through the web page filling in the dedicated form and attaching his/her resume.

What are the purpose of use of personal data

Revenue ReVerb informs its Users that the personal data they provide will be processed by Revenue ReVerb  in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned GDPR. The purpose of data processing through the channels established herein are the following:

  • Attend and resolve the requests or queries required by the Users.
  • Inform about news or activities that we can carry out from Revenue ReVerb.
  • Send information that is considered to be of interest to the User.
  • Purpose of advertising and/or commercial prospecting of Revenue ReVerb
  • Inform you regarding your data that will not be used for other purposes than those established in this policy. By providing this information in a totally voluntary way through any means of our platform, the User is expressly and voluntarily accepting this Privacy Policy and Protection of Personal Data.


As already established in the previous sections, Revenue ReVerb does not provide the data of Users to third parties. If Revenue ReVerb decides to change this policy, you will be informed in advance and your consent will be requested.


We only keep your Personal Data for as long as needed for the purposes for which it was collected with your express consent, in order to meet your needs or comply with our legal obligations.

To determine how long we keep your Personal Data, we use the following criteria:

  • Personal Data obtained when you contact us regarding a query or claim: Personal Data during the time needed to deal with your query;
  • Personal Data obtained when you gave consent to be sent communications or because it is necessary in accordance with regulations: until the end of the period for which it was required.

We may retain some personal data to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations, as well as to administer our rights (for example, to assert our claims in court) or for statistical or historical purposes.

When we no longer need to use your personal data, it will be removed from our systems and records or anonymised so you can no longer be personally identified.


We are committed to protecting your Personal Data and take all reasonable measures to do so. We also demand that trusted third parties handling your Personal Data do the same by contract.

We always do our best to protect your Personal Data and, once we have received your personal information, we employ strict procedures and security features to try prevent unauthorized access. As sending information over the internet is not completely secure, we cannot guarantee the security of your data sent via our website. Therefore, any information is sent at your own risk.


REVENUE REVERB respects your rights to privacy: it is important that you have control over your personal data. We therefore would like to make you aware of the following rights:

Right of information   You have the right to clear, transparent and easy to understand information on how we use your personal data and your rights. This information is in this Policy

Right of access          You have the right to access the personal data we hold about you (subject to certain limits).

We may charge a reasonable amount, with prior notice, to cover the administrative costs incurred in providing the information.

Clearly unfounded, excessive or repeated requests may not be answered.

To exercise this right, contact us using the details provided under “Contact”.

Right of rectification    You have the right to have your personal data rectified when it is inaccurate or has ceased to be valid or to complete it when it is incomplete.

To exercise this right, contact us using the details provided under “Contact”.

Right of deletion/right to be forgotten        In certain cases, you have the right to have your personal data deleted or removed. It should be noted that this is not an absolute right as we may have legal or legitimate reasons to keep it.

If you would like us to remove your personal data, contact us using the details provided under “Contact”.

Right of opposition to direct marketing, including profiling You can unsubscribe from our direct marketing communications at any time.

You can do so by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link in any email or communication we send you. Otherwise, contact us using the details provided under “Contact”.

To file your opposition to profiling, contact us using the details provided under “Contact”.

Right to withdraw consent at any time when data processing is based on consent      You can withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data when processing is based on your consent. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the legality of the processing based on your consent prior to its withdrawal. To find out about when processing is based on consent, please consult “What data do we collect from you?”, “What is the legal basis for the Processing of your Personal Data?”.

Should you wish to withdraw consent, contact us using the details provided under “Contact”.

Right to oppose processing based on purposes of legitimate interest You may oppose your data being processed at any time when processing is based on purposes of legitimate interest. To find out when processing is based on legitimate interest, please consult “What data do we collect from you?” “What is the legal basis for the Processing of your Personal Data?”.

Should you wish to exercise this right, contact us using the details provided under “Contact”.

Right to submit a complaint to a supervisory authority     You have the right to submit a complaint to your local Data Protection Agency against REVENUE REVERB’s privacy and data protection practices.

Please do not hesitate in contacting us using the details provided under “Contact” before submitting a claim to the data protection supervisory authority.

Right to data portability        You have the right to move, copy, or transfer data from our database to another. It is only possible to exercise this right with data you have provided, when processing is based on the execution of a contract or your consent and processing is automated. To find out about when processing is based on a contract or your consent, please consult “What data do we collect from you?”, “What is the legal basis for the Processing of your Personal Data?”.

For further information, using the details provided under “Contact”.

Right of limiting processing     You have the right to request that the processing of your data is limited. If you exercise this right, the processing of your data will be restricted, so that we can store it but we cannot continue using it or processing it.

This right can only be exercised in certain circumstances defined in the General Data Protection Regulation, as follows:

– the accuracy of the personal data is contested by the data subject, for a period enabling the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data;

– processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data and requests the restriction of its use instead;

– the controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of processing, but they are required by the data subject for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;

– the data subject has objected to processing pursuant to Article 21(1) pending the verification of whether the legitimate grounds of the controller prevail over those of the data subject.

Should you wish to exercise this right, contact us using the details provided under “Contact”.

COOKIES: When you visit the Revenue website or click on a banner advertisement, we may send one or more cookies to your computer or other device. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some Revenue ReVerb website features or services may not function properly without cookies.

Our websites and Cookies: We process personal information about you that we collect either directly, through forms or data entry fields on our website, or through passive collection by cookies and other data collection technologies. The types of personal data we process in each of these contexts is further explained below:

  • Cookies and other data collection technologies: we use browser session cookies, which are temporary cookies that are erased from your device’s memory when you close your Internet browser or turn your computer off, and persistent cookies, which are stored on your device until they expire, unless you delete them before that time. We group browser cookies on our site into three categories, which you can manage:
  • Required cookies: These cookies are necessary to enable the basic features of this site to function, such as allowing images to load or allowing you to select your cookie preferences.
  • Functional cookies: These cookies allow us to analyze your use of the site to evaluate and improve our performance. They may also be used to provide a better customer experience on this site. For example, remembering your log-in details or providing us information about how our site is used.
  • Advertising cookies: These cookies may be used to share data with advertisers so that the ads you see are more relevant to you, allow you to share certain pages with social networks, or allow you to post comments on our site.


We may use personal information to let you know about our Services that we believe will be of interest to you. We may contact you by email, post, or telephone or through other communications channels that we think you may find helpful. In all cases, we will respect your preferences for how you would like us to manage marketing activities with you.

We also work with carefully selected third parties, such as promotional partners and others with whom we have marketing or other relationships. At all times, in accordance with your marketing preferences, these third parties may contact you by email, SMS/text, social media or through other communications channels to tell you about products and services that they believe would be of interest to you.

How you can manage your marketing preferences

To protect privacy rights and to ensure you have control over how we manage marketing with you:

  • We will take steps to limit direct marketing to a reasonable and proportionate level and only send you communications which we believe may be of interest or relevance to you;
  • At any time you can update or correct your personal profile, or change your preferences for the way in which you would like us to communication with you, including how you receive details of latest offers from us;
  • You can also click the “unsubscribe” link that you find on any online newsletters you receive or contact our marketing team at
  • You can ask us to stop direct marketing at any time – you can ask us to stop sending email marketing by following the unsubscribe link you will find on all the email marketing messages we send you. Alternatively you can contact marketing@Revenue Please specify whether you would like us to stop all forms of marketing or just a particular type (e.g. email);
  • You can change the way your browser manages cookies, which may be used to deliver online advertising, by following the settings on your browser. We recommend you routinely review the privacy notices and preference settings that are available to you on any social media platforms as well as your preferences in your account with us. Further, if (in accordance with your marketing preferences) you receive marketing from the third parties referred to above, we recommend you review any relevant third party’s privacy notice for how they use your personal information.

Be aware that if you unsubscribe from our marketing communications we may be unable to notify you of tailored services or offer to meet your needs. If you unsubscribe from marketing communications from us, you will still receive operational and service messages from us regarding the Services and/or Mobile Apps.

Online Forums

Please note that information you voluntarily include in bulletin boards, chat rooms and other online forums we may offer may be viewed and used by anyone with access to those forums. Revenue ReVerb is unable to control any use of such information.

Facebook Connect

We may provide you the ability to log in to our websites using sign-in services such as Facebook Connect or an Open ID provider. These services will authenticate your identity and provide you the option to share certain Personal Information with us such as your name and email address to pre-populate our sign up form. Services like Facebook Connect give you the option to post information about your activities on our website(s) to your profile page to share with others within your network. Facebook Connect is owned and operated by Facebook, and more information about Facebook Connect is available at

Collection of Information from Children

None of our products or services are intended for use or purchase by children. Accordingly, Revenue ReVerb does not knowingly collect, either online or offline, information from children under the age of 13. If you believe that we might have any information from a child under age 13, please contact us at

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Please note that this Privacy Policy may change from time to time so please review it frequently. We will post any Privacy Policy changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice by means of a notice on the Rewards Program homepages or by email to the email address we have on file in your Account and if we make any material changes we will notify you by email (sent to the e-mail address specified in your account) or by means of a notice on this website or Revenue ReVerb App prior to the change becoming effective. Each version of this Privacy Policy will be identified at the top of the Privacy Policy by its effective date, and we will also keep prior versions of this Privacy Policy in an archive for your review.

Legal Rights Available to EU Data Subjects

Subject to certain exemptions, and in some cases dependent upon the processing activity we are undertaking, if you are an EU data subject, you may have certain rights in relation to your personal information:

  • whether and why we have your personal information;
  • how we got your personal information;
  • what we have done with your personal information;
  • to whom we have communicated your personal information;
  • where your personal information has been stored, processed or transferred;
  • how long we will retain your personal information, or how that retention period will be determined; and
  • the safeguards in place to protect your information when it is transferred to third parties or third countries.

Finally, you can ask us to request restrictions, temporarily or permanently, on our processing of personal information about you for certain purposes, or you can request transfer of personal information to you or a third party where we process the data based on your consent or a contract with you, and where our processing is automated. If you wish to access any of the above-mentioned rights, we may ask you for additional information to confirm your identity and for security purposes, in particular before disclosing personal information to you. We reserve the right to charge a fee where permitted by law, for instance if your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive. You can exercise your rights by sending a request to or to the mailing address referenced in the Contact Us section. Subject to legal and other permissible considerations, we will make every reasonable effort to honor your request promptly or inform you if we require further information in order to fulfill your request. We may not always be able to fully address your request, for example if it would impact the duty of confidentiality we owe to others, or if we are legally entitled to deal with the request in a different way.


If you have any questions about how we process and use your personal data or wish to exercise any of the rights set out, you can notify us via email a privacy@Revenue, or by writing to the following address: Revenue ReVerb, Privacy Officer, 9811 W. Charleston Blvd, Suite #2-776, Las Vegas, NV 89117